RubyKoans is an excellant approach to learn the Ruby language, syntax, structure, and some common functions and libraries. This also teaches you a testing culture. This requires tests to be fixed in order to progress.

My solutions are available here.

##Development Tweaks

Real time updates

To check the solution, one has to run rake command everytime to know progress status. Smells like there is a need for automation.

I used kicker which is a lean, agnostic, flexible file-change watcher using OS X FSEvents.

You may add this simple .kick file to the koans project.

process do |files|

To start,

$ kick

Now whenever you modify any test and save the file, kicker will show you the current status.


To share solutions with everyone, I used git and pushed solutions to Github repo.

Prefill commit message

This project saves all the current progress in .path_progress file. Sample file:


Whenever a koan is finished, koan number is automatically appended to .path_progress.

Now trick is to prefill git commit message with the current progress. I created this prepare-commit-msg hook to solve this problem.


commitMessage=$(./`git rev-parse --git-dir`/get-progress)
echo "Finish koan $commitMessage\n $(cat $1)" > $1

This hook uses another script get-progress which prints the current progress(i.e. koan number).

#!/usr/bin/env ruby

PROGRESS_FILE_NAME = '.path_progress'

contents = []
if File.exists?(PROGRESS_FILE_NAME),'r') do |f|
		contents =\s/,'').split(',')

print contents.last

Duplicates in .path_progress

Everytime rake is run, current progress (i.e. koan number) is added to .path_progress which leads to unnecessary file changes. This creates further problems when .path_progress is added to git repo.

Time to fix neo.rb. Add following code to add_progress method.

def add_progress(prog)
	@_contents = progress
	# return if already added to progress
	return if  prog.to_i == progress.last.to_i